Thursday, February 6, 2014

"Warm" Chocolate and the Stolen Pig in a Blanket

East coasters unite! Yesterday was a wonderful, beautiful snow day. The air was crisp, the temperature was cold but not unbearable, the kids were eager to be outside. But yesterday was a day of funny accidents. You know the ones I'm talking about-- moments you're trapped between laughing while your child is crying because of WHAT made them cry. The look of "what the F!?!?!" when you giggle and they expect a sincere "I'm sorry that the world sucks sometimes" moment. Both my kids had one yesterday.

Lily's: After a 2nd trip sledding, I decided it was time to make "warm" chocolate (if you make "hot" chocolate for 2 year-olds, you are a braver man than I am). Let's just say it was a hit. I'm honestly not sure if there was more joy or spilled chocolate on their faces. They took turns having sips from their mugs (with my help, of course). That said, a sip usually involved either sticking one's tongue in one's mug or breathing-in really hard and being surprised as one's mouth filled up with deliciousness.

Lily could not contain herself. When it wasn't her turn to drink, she jumped up and down in anticipation of her turn; it was cute as hell. Sadly, she forgot to stop jumping when it was her turn, and she smacked her lip on the mug. She suffered a small cut and obviously fell into hysterics. That said, her wet eyes didn't last because she realized that time spent crying was time lost drinking. Chocolate solves all ills.

Bonnie (Bobo) sidles up and steals Felix's Pig in a Blanket
Felix: Why duh Bobo steal my hot dog!?!?!Dad: Oh no! Did Bobo take your hot dog?
Felix: (incomprehensible banshee screaming)
Dad: See, that's why we have to keep our food on the plate.
Felix: (incomprehensible banshee screaming)
Dad: Don't worry, Felix! There's more...
Felix: (incomprehensible sobbing/whimpering...)

(I gave Felix a replacement pig in a blanket - our last one)

And then, we repeated the exercise. Only this time, there wasn't more. It was sad/hilarious. The only way to calm down was to call mama and leave a sad message.

All in all? Great snow day. Enjoy the pic.

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