True story: Lily and Felix tried pizza for the first time around Christmas of 2012. We were in NJ visiting my in-laws and decided to take the kids out for a pretty special meal.
We got to the restaurant and placed our order fairly publicly. In retrospect, we were likely obnoxious (LOOK AT US! WE'RE TAKING THESE ADORABLE 1 YEAR OLD TWINS WHO BARELY EAT SOLIDS OUT TO LUNCH! WE ARE PARENTS OF THE YEAR! WE'RE ACTUALLY OUT OF THE HOUSE AND ACTING FUNCTIONALLY!), but I'm also pretty sure it was cute as hell. We asked for 2 pizzas: one adult concoction and a plain cheese pizza for the kids. Before we could pay or go find a table, a mother of a young family seated nearby loudly informs us, "you ordered wrong." It's 11:00am (the child early-bird special), so the place is basically empty except us and them; thus, it wasn't as socially awkward as it sounds. Also, typical table-to-table restaurant etiquette (do not intrude on your neighbor's meal or conversation?) apparently doesn't apply in parent-to-parent conversation.
She follows up: "if 'pizza' always has spinach on it starting now - at age 1 - they'll believe that IS pizza and they'll be eating some fresh veggies every time they get their favorite meal." We changed our order.
Between this post and the last one, you probably think I'm obsessed with vegetable intake. Truth be told, I'm actually far more interested in the kids developing a diverse palette. It matters for family dinner when Georgia and I want to eat CSA meals - not Chef Boyardee.
So to the random lady? Thank you. Brilliant call. To this day, our kids are eating spinach pizza. Side note-- Amy's frozen spinach pizza is totally legit. It's a perfect rainy day meal for the kids when you don't feel like cooking.
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